
Horse Barn

Sharon is a proud owner of three Lancaster County Barns structures! Her newest structure is a two-stall shed row barn.

She also enjoys a six-stall aisle barn and a hay barn. All of her outdoor structures complement each other with custom paint and shingles for aesthetic appeal. 

“I cannot thank Lancaster County Barns enough. My ponies and I love the windows and the hardware throughout is so nice. The builder was very kind to send extra roof tiles and paint in each structure. Everything is fabulous!”


All equine owners know that a quality barn is essential to protect your horses and ponies throughout the year and provide them a safe space to rest. Sharon’s barn allows each of her ponies considerable indoor space, as well as dutch doors that allow each a window to the outside. 

Additionally, we offer hay feeders that provide an easy way for horses and ponies to graze comfortably. Our high quality hay bale feeders come in a variety of sizes to provide a perfect open-air feeding place.

Contact us today to prepare for the upcoming fall and winter seasons! Our equine housing experts will build the perfect custom horse stable that’s uniquely yours. To get started, visit lancasterbarns.com/contact-us today!